oh hey!

lover of dogs, coffee and sunsets

You'll never actually see me with this much makeup and my hair so styled, like ever. I'm a messy bun, shorts and shirt, bare feet kinda gal.

I love my boys and capturing our life whether it's simply at home, on our walks or away on trips together. Be these on my camera, phone, polaroids or film.

Sharing this & doing the same for others & their pets & family is what I do and absolutely love.

My little business isn't just work... it's becoming my lifestyle and is connected to everything I do!

Not just dogs...

From the youngest of ages I've had an affinity with animals. Whilst dogs are my biggest obsession (obvi) I'll happily hang out (and photograph) with the kitties, horses, rabbits and birds. I always love seeing wildlife, either here in Aus or traveling overseas. Ones for the bucket list are seeing wild orcas, doing some volunteer work with elephants in Asia and swimming with whale sharks.

I am a total dog nerd though in all aspects. I love learning about different breeds, behaviour, health and nutrition, teaching tricks and training. Be it through reading books, going to classes or following a bunch of ethical trainers on Instagram.


Pronounced Soh-vin. Liam is a brewer and he's named after the NZ hop Nelson Sauvin. No one knows how to say it or remembers it.

We adopted him at 7 months old and he quickly became the centre of our world and my muse.

He's a red merle Border Collie. Always mistaken for being a girl and/or Aussie Shepherd. A wild one who loves the beach, cuddles in bed and avocado.

We've been through some challenges with Sauvin (he's a sensitive boy who has been attacked multiple times) and we've learnt and are still learning so much how to help him be a confident, happy and relaxed dog!!

Photographer Maree Rattray and her dog Sauvin taking a selfie
Photographer Maree Rattray and her dog Sauvin sitting on her lap at the cidery in Bridgetown
Photographer Maree Rattray and her dog Sauvin standing at the Blackwood River in Dwellingup in the early morning
Photographer Maree Rattray with her dog Sauvin and Husband taking a selfie at the beach in Albany


Has always been a part of my life from a young age. Taking cameras on our family trips, taking photos and making albums. Taking photos of all our pets.

Before moving to Canada in 2018 for a working holiday I decided to do a few short courses as well as teaching myself how to use my first DSLR. Being a dog walker in Squamish, BC and out on the trails in the mountains, rivers and forests, my passion for dog photography took a whole new level! Moving back to Perth WA in 2020 at the peak of Covid, and since down to the lush South West continuing my business along the way, there's no other 'job' I'd rather be doing.